Session 1: Clocks and Metabolism (day 1)
Our central clock resides in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus and is synchronised by light, to the external environmental 24-hr rhythm of day and night. This master clock communicates the information and orchestrates other clocks in the periphery. ‘Timing of food intake’ regulates peripheral clocks particularly in metabolically active tissues, independent of the SCN.This session covers the crosstalk of central and peripheral clocks in metabolism and aims to elucidate how desynchronisation of these clocks lead to physiological consequences like obesity and related diseases.
Session 2: BAT and Thermogenesis (day 1)
As obesity has become a world-wide pandemic, researchers are in the search for new drug targets to tackle diseases like diabetes or metabolic disorders. Brown adipose tissue might qualify itself as an anti-obesity drug target due to its ability to burn excess calories when activated. In this session, new findings on the regulation of BAT thermogenesis and the central regulation of thermogenesis in animals and humans will be presented and discussed. Last but not least, talks of this session will introduce the audience to new findings on the influence of thyroid hormone and nutrition on energy balance during pregnancy and early life.
Session 3: Molecular mechanisms and the BBB (day 2)
In this session we are set out to explore underlying molecular mechanisms that affect our metabolism. We look out for brain specific gene expression that relates to the development of metabolic diseases. We try to understand the connection between epigenetic and environmental influences on our metabolic homeostasis. Finally, we have a look at the blood brain barrier system as an important regulator of communication between the CNS and the periphery with a crucial role for metabolic regulation.